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The SECRET Leg Exercise for MUSCLE & Strength!!! BANA 2:1 Lunge to Squat with NFL pro Ameer Abdullah
Guaranteed MUSCLE Growth with BANA 2:1 Barbell Lunge to Squat with NFL athlete Ameer Abdullah
Secret QUAD Exercise for Massive LEGS!! BANA 2:1 Leg Extensions with NFL pro Ameer Abdullah
Day 1 NFL TRAINING with Ameer Abdullah: Eccentric Isometrics Split Squat Lunges
Build MASSIVE Legs with BANA 2:1 Barbell Squat with NFL Pro Taylor Heinicke
Single Leg Front Curled Squats with NFL athlete Ameer Abdullah
NFL athlete Ameer Abdullah on Sprinter Pullups
Barbell Back Squats with Eccentric Accentuated 2:1 BANA Method
Eccentric Accentuated 2:1 Front Squats with Bilateral Assisted Negative Accentuated (BANA) Method
I Promise Your BACK & Lats will GROW!! BANA 2:1 Eccentric Overload Seated Row NFL pro Ameer Abdullah
BANA 2:1 Barbell Squat with NFL athletes Marcelis Branch and Taylor Heinicke
THE #1 SECRET to TRAINING!!!! Eye Closed Eccentric Isometrics with NFL athlete Ameer Abdullah